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Clock LED Color-Changing Lighted Base with Urantia Logo Acrylic Plate
This small desk clock comes with laser engraved cast acrylic plate with the Urantia “Banner of Michael” circles. The LED lights illuminate the circles in several colors including azure blue. You may select one of the seven colors or automatically scan through all colors. The clock is battery powered. Batteries not included. The clock may be set for 12 hour or 24 hour time. The LED light is powered using a micro USB cable much like a cell phone charger. The cast acrylic plate is durable but only non-abrasive, non-ammonia, cleaners should be used.
The azure blue concentric circles and word URANTIA are the registered trademarks of Urantia Foundation, the original publisher and custodian of The Urantia Book, and are being used by permission.
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